
MROI Framework

Make Your Marketing More Profitable … And Deliver With Confidence!

Our Marketing ROI (mROI) framework is custom-designed to help you plan, measure, and manage your marketing profitability. The mROI framework establishes a standardized approach for consistency and accuracy in using marketing ROI to guide critical business decisions. The framework includes:
With your custom marketing ROI framework in place, your ROI analysis of marketing results measurements and upcoming campaign plans, are run consistently for all forms of marketing, including direct marketing, online marketing, brand marketing, mass media advertising, lead generation, promotional marketing, channel marketing, and any other form of marketing.

Customer - Centric Process

The marketing ROI framework is developed using a blend of analytic and strategic perspectives. The key to success is mapping your customer funnel stages, defining marketing’s strategic and tactical objectives at a detailed level, and reflecting the dynamics of your collective marketing and sales efforts on customer behaviors.

We capture and analyze your financials, sales performance, customer behavior patterns, marketing contact data, and response data – to determine key profit drivers and how to attract high value customers and successfully migrate them through the purchase funnel.

The mROI framework and supporting ROI tools provide the ability to run ROI scenarios to adjust your initial marketing plans and your measured campaigns. The insight helps modify targeting, media channels, spending levels and go-to-market strategies to effectively deliver greater profit contribution.

Bottom line – marketing ROI helps marketers with their greatest challenges such as defending against budget cuts, demonstrating the success of marketing efforts, and determining how to deliver higher performance with less budget.
Contact us for a more thorough capabilities presentation.