
Customized ROI Tools

Simplify the Decision Process With Our Advanced ROI Tools

There is no need for marketing professionals to become finance or analytics experts. Marketers need to continue to be strategic and tactical experts focused on motivating customer engagement and purchasing activity. This is where our ROI tools come into the picture. Easy to use and graphical in design, these tools hide the deep analytics and data that are embedded into our powerful decision support systems.

Campaign Planning Tools

ROI planning tools allow marketers to input their campaign plans and impact assumptions to estimate the expected ROI. As marketers adjust their plans and run alternative scenarios, they see the connection between strategic decisions and profitability. This improves the ROI potential early in the planning stage. As campaigns are measured, ROI analyses are run through the planning tools. Marketers use the same type of scenario planning to determine how to make future versions of these campaigns even more profitable. We offer access to number of very basic ROI tools for free in our ROI Tools page. Access to our advanced campaign ROI planning are only available through scheduled demos (requests can be made using the Contact Us page).

Marketing Dashboards

Marketing dashboards are valuable for tracking and managing overall market performance. We define the key performance metrics that align marketing performance to business objectives using a balance of short-term and long-term metrics. When linked to business intelligence systems and supported with performance analytics, these dashboards can include drill-down capabilities to identify the primary drivers of sales and financial performance (both positive and negative contributors).

Marketing Mix Simulators and Optimization Models

Manage your budget allocation to deliver greater returns from marketing using either simulation or optimization tools, developed from marketing mix model measurements. This sophisticated modeling establishes the influence of different marketing channels, strategies, and promotions as well as the influence of competitive and market conditions. You run scenarios based on different budget and media allocations to identify the best approach to meeting your objectives. Or use an optimization model to propose the ideal solution to meet specific objectives and constraints.

ROI Management Systems

Advanced ROI management systems bring together multiple levels of campaign planning, marketing dashboards, and profitability management tools into a single system to fully leverage the data and insights available. These systems are custom designed to reside in house or in a hosted environment. ROI management systems are ideal for larger corporate marketing organizations ready to gain a competitive advantage with marketing profitability management.
Use the Contact Us page, or call us at +1 732-292-2600 for more information and a live demo of our advanced planning tools and dashboards.