Marketing ROI: The Path to Campaign, Customer, and Corporate Profitability
Award-Winning Book
Our book, “Marketing ROI,” offers the most comprehensive and practical approach to measuring and managing the return on investment (ROI) that marketing generates, bringing marketing performance and profitability to new levels. Translated into eight languages, this book has set worldwide standards and practices for calculating the ROI of marketing.
Named one of the top 5 marketing books of 2004 by the American Marketing Association Foundation.
“Although long considered an oxymoron by too many marketers, “Marketing ROI” provides keen insight which can assist managers and organizations in viewing marketing more as a ‘science’ rather than as pure ‘art’.”
David Pugliese
Vice President, Product Marketing & Management, Cox Communications
“Lenskold ‘s approach to Marketing ROI takes out all the mystery, hocus-pocus and smoke and mirrors that so often surrounds this critical subject. His blend of financial acumen and marketing knowledge, combined with a clear, clean writing style can clarify and lead any manager to the oft-sought, but seldom achieved land of understanding just how marketing works and what returns can and are being generated for the firm.”
Don E. Schultz
World Renowned Author, Consultant, and Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications, Northwestern University
Book Outline
The book is divided into three sections, each with increasing depth into the precise and effective use of marketing ROI.
Section I Understanding ROI Principles
Sets the stage for how and why ROI is ideal marketing measurement and clarifies the key principles of Return on Investment to fully cover the basics.
Section II Building the ROI Formula
Breaks down the elements of the ROI equation to establish a greater understanding of the data points used within the ROI formula.
Defines the right information to calculate the “Return” and the “Investment” and covers common errors to avoid.
Outlines the need to align profitability measures with corporate and organizational goals.
Addresses complex issues necessary to establish a standard ROI formula across the organization, such as determining the most appropriate approach for discounting future profits or for recovering up front development costs.
Section III Applying Marketing ROI
Presents innovative approaches for strategically using marketing ROI measures, outlining methods applicable for decisions at the campaign, customer and corporate levels.
Delivers insights into improving campaign profitability through a more accurate approach to customer value, targeting, offer comparisons, channel mix and budgeting decisions.
Covers customer profitability management and the integration of key marketing ROI principles with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies.
Offers senior executives a more profit-driven approach to the budgeting process that also delivers greater insight and control over the marketing investment process.